ماشین سازی پی یو صنعت نظری

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Vertical station of large type or pair
Vertical station of large type or pair

Vertical pair station proper to produce PU direct injection shoes that each station performs a pair of direct injection shoe molds with 4 closed muscles and produces shoes.
PU SANAT NAZARI MFG.CO combines knowledge, expertise, experience in order to provide high-quality products and suitable services to customers. We believe that PU SANAT NAZARI MFG.CO will be developed only by relying on capable and specialized human resources.
Accordingly, we believe in being customer orientation, improving the quality of services, satisfying the employee, and providing the user's benefits of the presented products and services and it is not a slogan, we believe in it.
We try to provide development policies to realize the final objective of the PU Sanat Nazari Machinery Company, which is to create the highest value for customers and achieve their maximum satisfaction and hence, managers working in PU SANAT NAZARI MFG.CO try and prioritize to increase productivity, constant improvement, improve knowledge and reduce costs.


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